It's my first year planting onions. I started them from plants and put them in the ground the first week of April. They have really flourished and I can't wait to use them in salsa.
Jalepeno peppers. Also a crop I tried for the first time. These look like they are ready to be picked, so I plan on going out in the morning and grabbing them. I'm going to have to research how to store these so that they will last until the tomatoes are ready so that I can use them in salsa.
And one more item I tried for the first time: tomatoes! These have been so easy to grow and take care of. I bought 3 plants from Earl May and 6 plants from our local high school's FFA, and both varieties are doing great. Can't wait to try them!
These are my Miss Pickler cucumbers. I planted them last year and they produced for 2 months, so I was able to make a lot of dill pickles out of them. Looks like they are getting a good start again this year. I found a few blooms today when I was checking their progress.
I planted 2 different variety of bush green beans, but the heat is really taking its toll on them. I'm beginning to wonder if they will produce any blooms, because I think they should have done so by now.
The Straight-8 cucumbers are looking good. If you look carefully in the middle of the picture you can see their first bloom.
The sweet corn has struggled this year. My husband came in with his 8-row planter and planted 2 varieties for me. Before he could get to them to cultivate, the weeds had already gotten out of control, so I think that affected our stand. They are looking better now and there are ears on everything, so we'll see how things go here in a week or so when they mature.
The record temperatures we are experiencing this summer in NW Kansas are taking their toll on everything in sight. When I see its effect on my garden, I really sympathize with the farmers because their crops are suffering at a much higher quantity than my small garden. I think we will all just have to be satisfied with whatever yields we can get out of our crops this year and actually just be happy if we have anything left to call "crops" at all!